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Questions, Comments, Concerns, Feelings

Image de profil de Benjamin Cotrel  sur la communauté Neatroverse
Image de la colonne Questions du modèle de rétrospective Questions, Comments, Concerns, Feelings sur la communauté Neatroverse
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Image de la colonne Comments & Suggestions du modèle de rétrospective Questions, Comments, Concerns, Feelings sur la communauté Neatroverse
Comments & Suggestions
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Image de la colonne Concerns du modèle de rétrospective Questions, Comments, Concerns, Feelings sur la communauté Neatroverse
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Image de la colonne Feelings du modèle de rétrospective Questions, Comments, Concerns, Feelings sur la communauté Neatroverse
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Big announcement ahead? This activity can help you gather valuable feedback from your teammates.

Have you ever wanted a straightforward yet comprehensive way to reflect on a project or activity with your team? The "Questions, Comments, Concerns, Feelings" retrospective activity might be just what you're looking for.

What is this retrospective activity?

The "Questions, Comments, Concerns, Feelings" retrospective activity is a smart choice when it comes to knowing how your people feel. 

It consists of four core questions that prompt participants to share their thoughts and emotions regarding a recent project, activity, or period of time (e.g., an end-of-trimester retrospective).

Questions: Assess the clarity of project goals and team members' understanding of their roles.

Comments & Suggestions: Encourage participants to provide feedback and suggest improvements, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Concerns: Create a space for team members to express any worries or challenges they faced during the project.

Feelings: Acknowledge the emotional aspect of teamwork by asking participants to share their feelings about the project.

Who is this retrospective format for?

This retrospective activity is designed for teams of all sizes and industries. Whether you're a project manager leading a development team, a marketing team working on a campaign, or any group collaborating on a shared goal, this reflective exercise can help strengthen communication and collaboration.

When should you use it?

The "Questions, Comments, Concerns, Feelings" retrospective activity is best utilized at the end of a project or a significant phase. It provides an opportunity for team members to reflect on their experiences while the details are fresh in their minds. 

Consider scheduling this retrospective at the conclusion of a sprint, the completion of a project milestone, or after the wrap-up of an entire project.

Using this retrospective regularly can contribute to a culture of openness, continuous improvement, and shared success within your team.

Incorporate this simple yet effective activity into your team's routine, and watch as it becomes a valuable tool for enhancing communication and team dynamics.

Image de profil de Benjamin Cotrel  sur la communauté Neatroverse
Benjamin Cotrel
CTO @ Neatro
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Les 4 éléments de Questions, Comments, Concerns, Feelings

Image de la colonne Questions du modèle de rétrospective Questions, Comments, Concerns, Feelings sur la communauté Neatroverse
Do you have any questions to ask?
Image de la colonne Comments & Suggestions du modèle de rétrospective Questions, Comments, Concerns, Feelings sur la communauté Neatroverse
Comments & Suggestions
Do you have any comments or suggestions?
Image de la colonne Concerns du modèle de rétrospective Questions, Comments, Concerns, Feelings sur la communauté Neatroverse
Do you have any concerns? Please share!
Image de la colonne Feelings du modèle de rétrospective Questions, Comments, Concerns, Feelings sur la communauté Neatroverse
How do you feel about this?
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