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Marie Kondo retrospective

Profile picture of Céline Ozouf on the Neatroverse community
Image of the column What sparks joy? from the retrospective template Marie Kondo retrospective on the Neatroverse community
What sparks joy?
Things we do well, things to keep doing.
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Image of the column What to throw away? from the retrospective template Marie Kondo retrospective on the Neatroverse community
What to throw away?
Things that we should get rid of.
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Image of the column What to recycle? from the retrospective template Marie Kondo retrospective on the Neatroverse community
What to recycle?
Things we could improve and re-use.
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It's time to tidy up with this retrospective inspired by Marie Kondo's KonMari method.

What is the Marie Kondo retrospective format?

The Marie Kondo Retrospective is a distinctive and uplifting Sprint Retrospective template designed to infuse the principles of joy, simplicity, and continuous improvement into your team's reflection process. 

Inspired by the renowned organizing consultant Marie Kondo, this retrospective invites teams to embark on a journey that goes beyond traditional reflections—it's a thoughtful exploration of what sparks joy, what to discard, and what opportunities for improvement lie ahead.

Who is Marie Kondo?

Marie Kondo is a Japanese organizing consultant and author, renowned for her KonMari method, a unique approach to decluttering and organizing that centers around keeping only items that "spark joy." 

Her philosophy extends beyond physical spaces and belongings, inspiring intentional and mindful living. 

Who is this retrospective activity for?

This Marie Kondo Retrospective is tailored for anyone seeking a refreshing approach to team reflection. 

Ideal for end-of-sprint reflections, this template is perfect for teams aiming to inject positivity, foster continuous improvement, or navigate transitions. 

Whether you're enhancing collaboration, streamlining processes, or resetting team dynamics, the Marie Kondo Retrospective offers a structured yet joyful space for intentional reflection and growth.

How does the Marie Kondo retrospective work?

You can find three core elements in this retrospective activity.

1. What Sparks Joy? (Things we do well, things to keep doing.)

Celebrate successes and identify the elements that bring joy to your team. This category focuses on recognizing and reinforcing positive aspects that contribute to your team's success.

Example: Our daily stand-ups have been quick and effective, fostering a positive team spirit. Let's keep this practice to maintain our efficient communication and shared enthusiasm.

2. What to Throw Away? (Things that we should get rid of.)

Identify and discard elements that hinder productivity or impede progress. This category encourages teams to recognize and eliminate practices that no longer serve a purpose or contribute positively to the workflow.

Example: The lengthy weekly status meetings have become a bottleneck. Let's discard them and explore more streamlined ways to share updates, ensuring everyone stays in the loop without unnecessary delays.

3. What to Recycle? (Things we could improve and re-use.)

Explore opportunities for improvement and growth. This category encourages a forward-looking approach, identifying areas that can be refined and reused for enhanced efficiency and effectiveness.

Example: While our one-on-one meetings proved to be highly productive, they frequently diverted my attention from crucial tasks. Going forward, could we consider reducing their frequency or introducing more flexibility to better align with priorities?

Profile picture of Céline Ozouf on the Neatroverse community
Céline Ozouf
Master of my own 
Attirée par la psychologie sociale et humaniste, je m’intéresse au rapport que nous entretenons les uns avec les autres, ainsi qu’au monde qui nous entoure. Je suis particulièrement sensible à l’effet que peut avoir la présence attentive sur notre bien-être individuel, mais également la qualité de nos relations.
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The 3 elements of Marie Kondo retrospective

Image of the column What sparks joy? from the retrospective template Marie Kondo retrospective on the Neatroverse community
What sparks joy?
Things we do well, things to keep doing.
Image of the column What to throw away? from the retrospective template Marie Kondo retrospective on the Neatroverse community
What to throw away?
Things that we should get rid of.
Image of the column What to recycle? from the retrospective template Marie Kondo retrospective on the Neatroverse community
What to recycle?
Things we could improve and re-use.
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