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How it works
Make your retrospectives more effective and enjoyable with Neatro.
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Retrospective templates
No more hours spent searching for the perfect activity - we have it!
Build your retrospective
We provide all the tools you need to create memorable retrospectives.
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Retrospective Templates

No more hours spent on searching for the perfect activity - we have it! Enjoy our 30 ready-to-use retrospective formats.

Great templates from our community

Discover the creations of the Neatro community - or publish your own!
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Discover our community retrospective templates on hte Neatroverse

Create your own retrospective format

Neatro provides you with the flexibility and tools you need to build memorable retrospective activities. The only limit is your imagination.
How to build your custom template
Custom retrospective image
Your team deserves the best Agile retrospective experience
Start your 30-day free trial. No credit card required.