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Plus Delta retrospective

Profile picture of Julien Valente on the Neatroverse community
Image of the column Plus from the retrospective template Plus Delta retrospective on the Neatroverse community
What are the things that went well?
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Image of the column Delta from the retrospective template Plus Delta retrospective on the Neatroverse community
What changes could we make?
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Probably the most straightforward retrospective format you can find!

What sets the Plus Delta retrospective apart?

💪 This template is simple yet powerful!

The Plus Delta Retrospective thrives on simplicity, focusing on two key questions that encapsulate the essence of reflection: "What went well?" (Plus), and "What changes could we make?" (Delta). 

This straightforward approach streamlines discussions, making it accessible for teams of all sizes and industries.

👌 This template is versatile!

Whether you're steering a software development team, managing marketing campaigns, or leading any collaborative effort, the Plus Delta Retrospective adapts seamlessly to your context. It's your go-to tool for regular self-assessment and enhancement.

How does the Plus Delta retrospective work?

The Plus Delta Retrospective revolves around two fundamental components that shape its reflective power. 

The first item, "Plus," invites teams to celebrate successes and identify strengths within their recent endeavors. 

The second item, "Delta," prompts a forward-looking approach by encouraging teams to pinpoint areas for improvement and strategize changes for future success. 

Together, these elements provide a structured framework for teams to acknowledge achievements and collaboratively navigate the path toward continuous improvement.

Why choose the Plus Delta retrospective?

Choose Plus Delta for a concise and compelling retrospective experience.

Whether for a Sprint Retrospective or an Iteration Retrospective, this activity should generate fruitful discussions within the team. 

With adaptability across industries, a client-centric approach, and a commitment to skill development, Plus Delta empowers teams to celebrate successes, address challenges, and foster continuous improvement seamlessly.

Profile picture of Julien Valente on the Neatroverse community
Julien Valente
Co-Founder and Product Designer @ Neatro
Passionate about design, I quickly understood that product development is a constant quest for continuous improvement. This is how I discovered retrospective and the ability to change things through action plans. I loved it so much that I co-founded Neatro. Feel free to contact me on LinkedIn, I always answer ;)
Report template

The 2 elements of Plus Delta retrospective

Image of the column Plus from the retrospective template Plus Delta retrospective on the Neatroverse community
What are the things that went well?
Image of the column Delta from the retrospective template Plus Delta retrospective on the Neatroverse community
What changes could we make?
Try Plus Delta retrospective now!
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