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Scrum Values Retrospective

Profile picture of Benjamin Cotrel  on the Neatroverse community
Image of the column Commitment from the retrospective template Scrum Values Retrospective on the Neatroverse community
How can we ensure we follow through on our commitments?
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Image of the column Focus from the retrospective template Scrum Values Retrospective on the Neatroverse community
How can we improve focus on our goals?
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Image of the column Openness from the retrospective template Scrum Values Retrospective on the Neatroverse community
How do we remain receptive to new ideas and approaches?
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Image of the column Respect from the retrospective template Scrum Values Retrospective on the Neatroverse community
How do we demonstrate mutual respect to each other?
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Image of the column Courage from the retrospective template Scrum Values Retrospective on the Neatroverse community
How do we address challenging issues?
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How to use the Scrum Values Retrospective?

This retrospective template has been specially crafted to align your team with the fundamental values of Scrum, fostering a culture of collaborative and efficient work.

The five columns each represent an essential value, providing a structured framework to assess and enhance team performance. Here's how to make the most of each section:

  1. Commitment: Explore this column to discuss how the team can ensure the fulfillment of its commitments. Identify actions and adjustments necessary to strengthen individual and collective accountability towards sprint goals.
  2. Focus: Use this section to evaluate how the team can improve its focus on set objectives. Identify factors that may disrupt concentration and explore solutions to maintain a high level of attention on priority tasks.
  3. Openness: The Openness column is dedicated to receptiveness to new ideas and approaches. Encourage discussions on how the team can remain open to suggestions, foster innovation, and embrace new perspectives to stimulate creativity.
  4. Respect: Explore this column to discuss how the team can demonstrate mutual respect. Identify respectful behaviors that enhance collaboration and foster a positive work environment.
  5. Courage: In this section, address how the team can tackle challenging issues with courage. Encourage transparency, measured risk-taking, and proactive resolution of obstacles to strengthen the team's resilience.

When to use the Scrum Values Retrospective?

Use this retrospective template at the end of each sprint, especially when you aim to reinforce the Scrum values within your team. 

It is the ideal tool to reflect on how these fundamental values have been integrated into daily actions and to identify opportunities for continuous improvement.

The Scrum Values Retrospective is particularly effective for strengthening team cohesion and promoting a work environment based on trust, accountability, and innovation.

Profile picture of Benjamin Cotrel  on the Neatroverse community
Benjamin Cotrel
CTO @ Neatro
Report template

The 5 elements of Scrum Values Retrospective

Image of the column Commitment from the retrospective template Scrum Values Retrospective on the Neatroverse community
How can we ensure we follow through on our commitments?
Image of the column Focus from the retrospective template Scrum Values Retrospective on the Neatroverse community
How can we improve focus on our goals?
Image of the column Openness from the retrospective template Scrum Values Retrospective on the Neatroverse community
How do we remain receptive to new ideas and approaches?
Image of the column Respect from the retrospective template Scrum Values Retrospective on the Neatroverse community
How do we demonstrate mutual respect to each other?
Image of the column Courage from the retrospective template Scrum Values Retrospective on the Neatroverse community
How do we address challenging issues?
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