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The Easter Egg Hunt : Retrospective Format

Your Sprint has turned into a real egg hunt. Time to share your loot!
The Easter Egg Hunt Retrospective
The Easter Egg Hunt Retrospective

What is the Easter Egg Hunt Retrospective Template?

Now this is what we call a tasty Agile retrospective idea! 🍫

Revisit the events of your last Sprint or project as if it was an Easter egg hunt.

Like any effective retrospective activity, this template will help your teammates identify actions to help the team improve quickly.

The questions addressed will allow you to make a general assessment of your initiative in a pleasant atmosphere.

The 4 elements of the Easter Egg Hunt Retrospective

Column Treasure Map
Treasure Map
What made your hunt easier?
e.g., having a clear team goal helped me put efforts in the right place.
Cracked Egg Column
Cracked Egg
What made your mission more difficult than expected?
e.g., I think I didn't have the best tools to complete my mission.
Magic Egg Column
Magic Egg
If you could return to the quest's start, what would you do differently?
e.g., I would make a clear request to the team for better tools.
Golden Egg Column
Golden Egg
Who made a difference for the team? How?
e.g., Ethan brilliantly motivated our team throughout the mission. Well done!

Why & when should you use the Easter Egg Hunt retrospective template?

Yes, the Easter Egg Hunt template will definitely make any Sprint Retrospective memorable when Easter is just around the corner.

But this retrospective idea is much more than just cool Easter vibes!

Here are two reasons why your team will see value in this retrospective activity:

  • people have the chance to reflect on facts and events from the last Sprint, with an emphasis on things that could be tried out to gain efficiency, as well as a focus on recognition;

  • the positive atmosphere this activity provides makes conversations easy and sets a friendly tone.

Using the Easter Egg Hunt can also be a creative choice for a project post-mortem, an event report, or simply a self-introspection session.

Remember, the end goal of your retrospective is to invite team members to shape a solid action plan that will help your team improve. Which is something you can achieve while having fun, right?

Fostering a culture of continuous improvement has never been so imaginative... and delicious. 😋

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