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Journey into Egyptian Mythology - Retrospective Template

May the Egyptian Gods & Goddesses help you run a legendary retrospective!
Journey into Egyptian Mythology Retrospective Template
Journey into Egyptian Mythology Retrospective

What is the Journey into Egyptian Mythology activity?

Your team is about to start exploring mysterious Egyptian tombs.

Through this adventure, everyone will express their feelings about the last Sprint or project.

No one shall lie to the gods of ancient Egypt - otherwise, you might never make it out alive... ☀️

Thanks to this retrospective idea imagined by the Neatro team, your team members will soon reflect on their last Sprint (or project) while showing vulnerability.

The 5 elements of Journey into Egyptian Mythology

Bastet Column
Bastet, Goddess of Beauty
What made you feel satisfied or proud?
e.g., even though we had to deal with a hard Sprint, our team spirit has always been incredible.
Set Column
Set, God of Chaos
What made you feel confused or stressed?
e.g., our delivery deadline was too ambitious - I had a couple of rough nights.
Thoth Column
Thoth, God of Wisdom
What did you learn along the way?
e.g., spending hours on user story estimations didn't help much.
Isis Column
Isis, Goddess of Magic
If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be?
e.g., I'd reduce our scope of work to get a more sustainable pace.
Hathor Column
Hathor, Goddess of Gratitude
What are you thankful for?
e.g., I feel blessed to be part of such a talented team!

Why & when should you use this retrospective technique?

Of course, Journey to Egyptian Mythology looks like an excellent Sprint retrospective activity.

Not convinced already? Here are two reasons why you should choose this retrospective technique:

  • this model gives you the chance to reflect on facts and events from the last Sprint through an effective approach (the participants will express themselves with their feelings and emotions)

  • the atmosphere offered by this activity is very creative!

You can opt for this template if you want to conduct a project post-mortem, an event report, or simply a personal introspection exercise.

Also, we recommend Journey to Egyptian Mythology as part of a quarterly, semestrial, or annual team (or company) retrospective.

The intuitive and playful spirit of this activity should leave no one indifferent. Furthermore, the range of topics covered by the five core questions will provide you with valuable insights and learnings.

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