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The Raid Boss Retrospective Template

Your Sprint has turned into an epic quest! As a team, face the Raid Boss!
Raid Boss illustration for Neatro
Raid Boss Retrospective Template in Neatro

What is the Raid Boss retrospective technique?

Who said retrospectives had to be boring? 🤷‍♀️

At Neatro, we love both retrospectives and RPG / MMORPG video games. So that's why we naturally designed the Raid Boss retrospective idea!

The Raid Boss retro is a fantastic opportunity to give recognition to your teammates for their achievements. Moreover, people will share everything they've learned through their journey - which helps cultivate learnings.

Imagine that the Raid Boss symbolizes your Sprint goal (or project goal).

What roles did your team members play in carrying out the group's mission?

What lessons learned should be logged in our Quest Log for the centuries to come?

There's no need to be a level 60 retrospective master to embark on this adventure: facilitating this activity is super easy! 🐉

The 4 elements of the Raid Boss Retrospective

DPS Column
They gave all they had to take down the boss.
e.g., Enzo because he spent a lot of time updating our design system.
Heals Column
The Healers
They provided support to the team.
e.g., thank you Sophie for your React training.
Tanks Column
The Tanks
They took some hits to help the team move forward.
e.g., Ben for handling the production bugs during the Sprint.
Quest Log Column
The Quest Log
What did we learn during this adventure?
e.g., no more releases on Friday!

Why & when should you use the Raid Boss retrospective?

Collaboration is a core component of online video games. Each team member has a well-defined role and can make a difference in the group's results.

Chances are that collaboration is a huge deal for your own team as well.

Depending on the context of your Sprint, some members played a role that significantly helped the team advance. This is the case for both the DPS and the Healers.

The Raid Boss retrospective also allows you to review the toughest challenges the team had to face during the last Sprint - with the Tanks absorbing much pressure.

Finally, team members are invited to share their learnings in "The Quest Log".

If you want to maximize peer recognition at your next Sprint retrospective - and if your teammates love video games - the Raid Boss template is made for you!

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Try The Raid Boss for your next retrospective on Neatro!
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