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The Rock Band Retrospective Template

You have finished your concert at the legendary Sprint Festival. It is time for the debriefing.
Rock Band Retrospective Illustration for Neatro
Rock Band Retrospective Template in Neatro

What is the Rock Band retrospective template?

Do you have rock'n'roll fans on your team? That's cool, so do we at Neatro. This retrospective model is an original creation of our own.

Imagine your team is a legendary rock (or metal) band. Give it a name and assign a role to each member of the group.

You have just finished your performance as part of the famous Sprint Festival.

Like any performing group, your crew meets after the show to take stock of its performance. Continuous improvement is everyone's business! 🤘

The 4 elements of the Rock Band template

Retrospective Column The Scene in Neatro
The Scene
Describe how the band performed in the last cycle.
e.g., stakeholders in the pit liked the new hit named "Sprint Review", and they let it be known.
Retrospective Column The Backstage in Neatro
The Backstage
What did you notice that was wrong (or awkward) behind the scenes?
e.g., our latest QA phase was a little too expeditious, thankfully without consequences on the concert.
Retrospective Column The Road Crew in Neatro
The Road Crew
Mention who remarkably helped the group and how.
e.g., Brandon completed no fewer than ten user interviews to collect feedback on our next album.
Retrospective Column The Setlist in Neatro
The Setlist
How can we improve our performance in the next cycle?
e.g., we could try the MoSCoW technique to facilitate the prioritization of our items.

Why & when should you use The Rock Band retrospective?

Good news: you don't need to be a true Rockstar to really enjoy the Rock Band retrospective. It is a creative and intuitive team activity that will help your teammates reflect on past events, in order to generate insights and build an efficient action plan.

This fun facilitation technique is a perfect fit for recurring team retrospectives (e.g., Sprint Retrospectives).

If you want to save much preparation time for your next retrospective, we strongly suggest you to try the Rock Band template on Neatro.

More scenarios can be addressed with the Rock Band activity template.

Conducting event or project post-mortems with the Rock Band can definitely bring a creative twist to your approach. Collect feedback from both internal and external actors, gather insights, and uncover learnings to maximize your chances to deliver even greater events or projects in the future.

Rock Band Retrospective Icon
Try the Rock Band activity for your next retrospective!
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