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Oscar Academy Awards Retrospective

Profile picture of Anders Rojewski on the Neatroverse community
Image of the column Best Achievement from the retrospective template Oscar Academy Awards Retrospective on the Neatroverse community
Best Achievement
What's our main achievement from this Sprint?
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Image of the column Best Slap in the Face from the retrospective template Oscar Academy Awards Retrospective on the Neatroverse community
Best Slap in the Face
What did hit as hard as Will Smith's slap?
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Image of the column Best Lesson Learned from the retrospective template Oscar Academy Awards Retrospective on the Neatroverse community
Best Lesson Learned
What did you learn?
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Image of the column Best Actor or Actress from the retrospective template Oscar Academy Awards Retrospective on the Neatroverse community
Best Actor or Actress
Who deserves the ultimate Award of the Sprint? Why?
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Who deserves the ultimate Award?

What is the "Oscar Academy Awards Retrospective"?

The Oscar Academy Awards Retrospective Template is a unique and engaging Sprint Retrospective tool designed to bring a touch of Hollywood glamour to your team's reflection process. 

Inspired by the iconic Academy Awards, this template encourages teams to celebrate achievements, acknowledge challenges, and spotlight standout team members.

How does the "Oscar Academy Awards Retrospective" work?

🚀 Best Achievement - What's our main achievement from this Sprint?

Reflect on the main accomplishment of the Sprint, just like a blockbuster film's standout moment. 

e.g., our best achievement this Sprint was launching a feature that garnered enthusiastic user feedback and increased engagement by 20%.

👋 Best Slap in the Face - What did hit as hard as Will Smith's slap?

Identify the unexpected challenges or setbacks that may have surprised the team members.

e.g., our 'slap in the face' moment was encountering unforeseen technical issues that delayed our project timeline, requiring swift and collaborative problem-solving.

📖 Best Lesson Learned - What did you learn?

Share valuable insights gained during the Sprint.

e.g., we learned the importance of thorough testing after an overlooked bug caused a temporary service outage. Going forward, we'll prioritize comprehensive testing in our development process.

🏆 Best Actor or Actress - Who deserves the ultimate Award of the Sprint? Why?

Recognize the individual (or team) who went above and beyond, deserving the ultimate Award of the Sprint.

e.g., my 'Best Actor' award goes to Jane for her exceptional leadership during a critical project phase, demonstrating resilience and inspiring the team to meet tight deadlines.

When is it best to use the "Oscar Academy Awards Retrospective"?

Obviously, you can use the Oscar Academy Awards Retrospective Template at the end of a Sprint to inject fun and creativity into your reflection sessions. 

But you could also use this activity for a larger crowd (for a department retrospective, for instance).

Tailored for any audience, this activity excels when you want to help people:

  • emphasize team achievements to foster a positive atmosphere,
  • confront challenges openly and collaboratively,
  • extract valuable insights from both successes and failures to promote learning,
  • and acknowledge and appreciate the exceptional efforts of team members.
Profile picture of Anders Rojewski on the Neatroverse community
Anders Rojewski
Co-Founder and Head of Product @ Neatro
I'm a Kaizen philosophy believer and I think there's room for continuous improvement in all teams and organizations. Wanna talk? Reach out to me on LinkedIn! I speak English, French, and a bit of Spanish.
Report template

The 4 elements of Oscar Academy Awards Retrospective

Image of the column Best Achievement from the retrospective template Oscar Academy Awards Retrospective on the Neatroverse community
Best Achievement
What's our main achievement from this Sprint?
Image of the column Best Slap in the Face from the retrospective template Oscar Academy Awards Retrospective on the Neatroverse community
Best Slap in the Face
What did hit as hard as Will Smith's slap?
Image of the column Best Lesson Learned from the retrospective template Oscar Academy Awards Retrospective on the Neatroverse community
Best Lesson Learned
What did you learn?
Image of the column Best Actor or Actress from the retrospective template Oscar Academy Awards Retrospective on the Neatroverse community
Best Actor or Actress
Who deserves the ultimate Award of the Sprint? Why?
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