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Profile picture of Benjamin Cotrel  on the Neatroverse community
Image of the column Working from the retrospective template Working & Stuck on the Neatroverse community
What is working well?
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Image of the column Stuck from the retrospective template Working & Stuck on the Neatroverse community
What's holding us back?
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How to Use the "Working and Stuck" Retrospective Template?

The "Working and Stuck" template is designed to facilitate a focused evaluation of your sprint, distinguishing between aspects that are functioning effectively and those causing obstacles.

With two clear columns, "Working" and "Stuck," this retrospective provides a straightforward structure for your team to assess and improve sprint performance. Here's how to leverage each section:

  1. Working: Utilize this column to pinpoint and acknowledge the elements of the sprint that are operating well. What processes, practices, or collaborations have positively contributed to the project's progress? This is an opportunity to highlight successes and recognize the team's strengths.
  2. Stuck: Explore this column to discuss elements hindering the team's effectiveness. Identify obstacles, challenges, or processes that have impeded progress. This section encourages constructive discussions on problem resolution and continuous improvement.

When to Use the "Working and Stuck" Retrospective Template?

Employ this retrospective template at the conclusion of each sprint, especially when you aim to gain a clear perspective on the operational aspects of your project. Consider using this template in the following scenarios:

  • Identifying Best Practices: When you want to identify and reinforce the operational best practices that have positively impacted the team's performance.
  • Problem Resolution: When there is a need to clearly understand obstacles or inefficiencies that hindered the team's progress, fostering discussions on effective problem-solving.
  • Periods of Change or Adjustment: During times of change or adjustment, to quickly assess the impact of modifications on operations and identify areas that require attention.

This "Working and Stuck" template is particularly useful for shedding light on operational strengths and weaknesses.

It guides the team towards continuous improvement by building on effective practices and addressing impediments constructively.

Profile picture of Benjamin Cotrel  on the Neatroverse community
Benjamin Cotrel
CTO @ Neatro
Report template

The 2 elements of Working & Stuck

Image of the column Working from the retrospective template Working & Stuck on the Neatroverse community
What is working well?
Image of the column Stuck from the retrospective template Working & Stuck on the Neatroverse community
What's holding us back?
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